Educational Attainment

Bachelor's Degrees Awarded by CCIC Member Institutions,

What You Make Depends on Where You Live Report, 2020: College Earnings Connecticut as Compared to the Nation
(link to full  report)

View PDFs separately:
Average Income by Education Level
College Earnings Premium (Versus Next Highest Level)
College Earnings Premium (Versus High School Diploma)

Completion Rates by Sector in CT as Compared to the National Average: 2017-23

2021 Connecticut Post-Secondary Attainment (associate's and higher), by Race and Ethnicity


Percent of Bachelor's Degrees or Higher Awarded in CT by Sector, 2021


CT Bachelor’s Degree Completions by Connecticut Institutions, 2023

Percentage of Bachelor's Degrees Produced by Non-Profit Institutions as compared to Public Institutions in 2021, by state

Highest Level of Educational Attainment for Connecticut Adults, 25 years and Older, 2021

Percentage Point Gap in Black and White Bachelor's Degree Attainment by State, 2022

Total Bachelor's Degrees Awarded in Connecticut by Sector: 2022

Median Lifetime Earnings for Connecticut Degree Holders, as compared to the Nation, 2021


CCIC Member Institutions - Degree Production vs. Funding Received

STEM Degree Growth in the Northeast: 2011-2022

Where Students Earn Degrees in Connecticut: 2022
Statewide Industry Cluster Degrees Awarded  
by CCIC Member Institutions 2022
Bachelor's Degrees Produced in Connecticut, 2003-2023

Median Weekly Earnings and Unemployment Rate by Educational Attainment, 2021

CCIC Institutions graduate Black and Hispanic undergraduate students in 4 years at a significantly higher rate than CT Public Institutions: 2022

 2022 Median Earnings in Connecticut by Educational Attainment

2036 Projected number of high school graduates in CT, by Race/Ethnicity



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